As the title suggests, I'm not exactly sure where to start. I know that I need to start sometime to get into the rhythm of documenting everything that I feel is relevant to share with all who might be reading this blog. There was a time (insert the theme song here Mr. Dotte) that a day didn't go by that I didn't check the blog of a man who sold everything, packed up and moved to northern Belize. What a blogging inspiration Dave Rider is to me. That being said, I feel like I'm on the blogging court with Michael Jordan, Believe me, I want to produce quality posts that interest the readers and at the same time share this new phase of our lives.
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. First and foremost, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for looking upon a wretch like me and yet still willing to die on a cross for me so I can one day come to the place of repentance, and actually KNOW him.
I thank my wife, Amy, for going out for ice cream with me on June 9, 2002. She has been a wonderful testimony of redemption and true contentment. I thank her for being willing to get on this ride with me (I will playfully refer to as the Belize-O-rama). We do have a lot of fun together, it's so wonderful when that "one thing" you share with your mate is your love of Jesus Christ.
I thank my kids for being supportive, my family, and my co-workers.
Well, this is the first official post of this blog. They say it takes 21 days or more to change a behavior, I will try to make this thing as interesting as possible over the next few months as the journey unfolds.
Psalm 119:105 says "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." This passage tells me that the 3-5 foot diameter of light that the lamp will illuminate on an unknown path only moves down the path when I do. I look forward to seeing what's down this path, but without my light, I will stumble and fall. Who would want to go down a new path completely in the dark without a light?
Well Mr. Belizeorama, I do remember a time (whistling sounds in my head) that you were only wishing you were traveling to Belize. Now you have taken the big leap and are ready to take it to the next step. You know that my beautiful wife and I are very happy for the both of you. May God bless and protect you on this new journey in your lives. We love you both (don't tell anyone at work I said that).