Sunday, July 31, 2016

Back in my day...

So, I'm not going to do what the title suggests and start a yawn fest that all starts in downtown Kansas City, Kansas in 1967.  I'm going to do what my dear brother-in-law suggested Friday night and post something from how this whole thing got started...

As some of you may know, I joined Crest Bible Church (in Turner Kansas) in 2002 shortly after a personal nuclear explosion happened that left me with a heart shattered into a million pieces and coming to that place where Jesus was all I had.  The good news about being rocked to the core like that is that you realize Jesus is all you need and the rebuilding process begins...

I called a friend who first shared the gospel with me and asked "Brad, where do you go to church?"  He said "Crest Bible Church".  I found them and went.  My brother-in-law was there to catch me and guide me with a decipleship program, but he trusted the same Lord as me to allow Him to guide me to a good church.

Well, things started happening.  Seems that every Sunday sermon for the next few months were just for me.  I met my wife of almost 14 years now at Crest.  We blended a family of 8 children with our marriage in 2003 and for the next 5 years, that was our only focus.  In 2008 after hearing yet another trip report from people returning from Belize with lives changed and eyes opened, my wife and I separately began to pray that God would make a way for us to go.  In 2008 when the economy was in the tank and Trillions of dollars was being stolen from people's 401k and home values, layoffs were everywhere God gave us increases in pay and vacation to match.

So, November 2009 we are dropped off in a village of 600 people in Belize (Trinidad) to stay with a pastor, his wife and their 5 year old son.  It didn't take long before we were wondering "what the heck have I got myself into".  By the end of the 9 day stay, we are a complete mess, crying and wishing we could stay.
Herramienta! (Tool) My first Spanish word
The soccer ball is a tool to share the gospel
Gold = Heaven - Black = Sin - Red = Jesus' Blood - White = sins washed clean
Green = Grow

Mark 16:15 says "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."  This passage is simple and meant for all who come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  I've heard it said that when someone humbles themselves in repentance and The Lord takes up residence, they become an evangelist.  Immediately, telling people in their home, their neighborhood, their workplace, their community and since God loves to bless you with more than you could ask for, he just might make a way for you to tell someone in a different culture.  I wouldn't wish for anyone to come to that place like the "nuclear explosion place" I had to to come to in order to give repentance.  But, the facts are the facts.  The first time I ever shared in the church from the pulpit was behind a Belizian pulpit.  The first time I ever spoke about what God has done in my life in my home church back home, was when I came back.  The passage above comes without detail, but I guarantee you, when you go unto the world to share the gospel, wherever that world is (home, neighborhood, work / school), you are going to love the ride GOing there.

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