Sunday, August 7, 2016

Not talking about it...It's do time!

Well, the day has arrived.  We are finally in route and looking like one of those travelers in the airport that is doing something with their laptop.  It dawned on me, well before dawn, that today we are no longer talking about the trip, we are doing it!

Sorraay, I'm pulling 100lbs of Checked luggage

So the packing-o-rama for the Belize-o-rama started quite a while ago but nothing past thinking about it until (really) about noon yesterday.  I called on my sister mid-day realizing that I'm going to have 4 large checked bags and I only have 2.  For the last 3 trips, we always came into the country very heavy (with supplies and such) and left very light.  So, for the last 3 trips we have been leaving an empty large bag in Yo Creek for someone else to use.
Ok, here's the pose, 200 lbs of checked bags in tow

So my sister rolled out of the rack at 4:15 am to get to my house just a bit before 5 am, we loaded up right away and started off for the airport.  Heck, we were packed so tight and efficient, my mom even had a seat.  After (gladly) getting rid of the checked bags we had plenty of time to sip coffee.  We laid down at 1am, and got back up at 4:15.  Mister T would say "I pitty the fool that don't get proper rest!"
After a pleasant flight to Houston Hobby (yeah, that 200 lbs of checked baggage flew free!) we collected our bags, left security and got back in the que.  For some reason, and even though Southwest Airlines flys to Belize every day, you cannot fly directly from KCI to Belize but on selected days of the week.  So, we had to get a ticket to Houston, then a separate ticket from Houston to Belize.  Life is all about risk vs. reward.  It was worth the risk of having connection problems to enjoy the reward of (seriously) $150 of free freight plus the reward points.
My hottie pointing out the good news in Houston

So to back up a bit, these checked bags have all my books (7 this semester), encouragement goodies for the youngins at BCE, parts for broken vehicles, gagets, and oh yeah a COMPLETE WORKSTATION.
 Amy's workstation has dual monitors and the laptop monitor.  Heck, we even packed the stand

 My favorite broter-in-law taught me in the 80's to save the original packaging for the big ticket items.  Sure does come in handy when you move or send your workstation on an airplane
Snug as a bug in a rug

Goodies, backup and books...oh my!

In 1 Peter 5:7 Peter tells us (from successful experience) "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."  The him in this verse is The Lord Jesus Christ.  I'll tell you, that I have hung my hat on this verse on multiple occasions.  Unfortunately, it's the easiest verse to forget in the thick of the battle, whatever the battle may be.  If I had a nickle for every time my loving wife has reminded me of this verse, I'd have more nickles than the time I caused a major backup on the down escalator because I couldn't push the 200 lbs of nickles over the hump at the bottom of the escalator...another story altogether!  Well, it all fit and made it to Houston anyway.  I'm going to be really relieved to see those 4 bags again in Belize....then on to customs where the questions begin and reality that 45% of the Belize GDP comes from customs.

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